Monday, May 9, 2016

The Never-Ending Benefits of Chaga Mushroom Tea

Inonotus Obliquus, or Chaga, is a known kind of mushroom that commonly grown on birch trees in areas with colder climates in the Northern Hemisphere. The Global Healing Center agreed that this fungus seriously doesn’t look trustworthy at first glance. But looks can be deceiving because this mushroom is considered a superfood since the ancient times.

Experts said that these fungus look like encrusted black formations on wounded or dying white trees in temperate forests. It grows by eating the remains of tree cavities after a storm breaks the tree and cover it for protection.

(Photo Credit)

This awful-looking chaga mushroom can provide much more than looks since it possesses countless health benefits that amaze many scientists and experts. (Photo Credit)

Health Benefits of Chaga Mushroom

Chaga mushroom tea health benefits have been appreciated for centuries and have been proven by many studies to date. Benefits of chaga include improved digestion, less stress, anti-cancer, and better immunity. 

The Mother Earth News said that Chaga mushroom has exceptional high antioxidant properties that fight off the formation of free radicals in the body. Free radicals damage the body so its formation should be prevented by taking foods high in vitamin D, vitamin K, vitamin B and different kinds of minerals like calcium, copper, iron, and zinc which are all found in chaga mushroom. Therefore, it also alleviates one’s risk of cancer.

Most of the health benefits of chaga mushroom tea were performed in Russia where chaga in very abundant.

Another benefit is the strengthened immunity. Drinking chaga tea regularly can boost a weakened immunity because it contains polysaccharides like beta glucans that stimulate the production of healthy cells in the body. In addition, chaga tea is also antiviral, antibacterial, anthelmintic, and anti-fungal.

Aside from these things, chaga is a natural source of melanin that promotes healthy skin. This pigment helps the skin to be clear and free from issues like rashes, acne, and eczema faster.

Lastly, chaga is considered an adaptogen that reduces that stress feeling which help balance the body inside and out. This leads to a more healthy cardiovascular health to avoid heart illnesses like hypertension, heart attack, and stroke. Find out how chaga mushroom tea helps treat cancer.

How to Make Chaga Tea Recipe

Chaga HQ listed how to make a good chaga tea, know where to buy wild chaga mushroom tea and use that to brew yourself a nice drink. Now, break the wild chaga to smaller chunks and drop a handful in a liter of water. Bring the mixture to boil and strain to remove the solids from the brewed tea. Add honey or maple syrup for a much better taste.

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Friday, May 6, 2016

Reishi Mushroom Tea and its Health Benefits

Ganoderma lucidum or reishi mushroom is famous in the East as a medicine ingredient. The name ‘reishi’ mushroom means “mushroom of immortality” with a direct Chinese translation of ling chih.

During the ancient Eastern times, reishi mushroom was even called the “medicine of kings” since it offers unbelievable health benefits that will ward off almost all kinds of illness. Reishi mushroom tea health benefits were highlighted by writer Rebecca Wood in her book entitles “New Whole Foods Encyclopedia” where she said, “Reishi indeed sounds like a cure-all”. Her explanation as stated in the Natural News states that reishi is an immunostimulant which has proven to be very helpful for people with HIV and AIDS, Epstein-Barr, leaky-gut syndrome, chronic bronchitis, cancer and other infectious illness. Minor benefits involve the mushroom to take effect as a laxative, as a diuretic, helps those with insomnia and lowers harmful cholesterol in the body.

Dried reishi mushroom is best used for tea to avoid its bitter taste and maximize the health benefits that it provides like treatment against cancer, infections, allergies and other diseases. (Photo Credit)

Dried reishi mushroom is best used for tea to avoid its bitter taste and maximize the health benefits that it provides like treatment against cancer, infections, allergies and other diseases. (Photo Credit)

The Benefits of Reishi Mushroom

It seemed odd that this fungus can make so much benefit to the human body. The medicinal benefits of red reishi mushroom tea are famous for its antioxidant properties wherein it fights irregularity in the cells lowering chances of cancer cell growth. A study published in the journal Experimental Oncology confirmed the effects of reishi on human cancer cells and the fungus astonishingly prevents further cell damage.

Since reishi mushroom is an immunostimulant, it means that it modulates, regulates and supports the immune system. The mushroom contains chemical compounds called polysaccharides like beta glucans that boosts the immunity.

Another benefit is that it lowers blood pressure making it a popular choice for people with cardiovascular issues. It is highly advised in APA’s “Practical Guide to Natural Medicine” that people with hypertension should take this fungus as a supplement. In effect, it also lowers cholesterol, stabilizes blood pressure and further prevents blood clotting.

Lastly, a lot of people are suffering from allergic reactions. Reishi mushroom is one of the favorite additive to blend with allergy teas, as stated in Live Strong.

Here’s a short summary of the illness that can be treated by reishi mushroom:

Making Reishi Mushroom Tea

The best way to brew or make reishi mushroom tea is with the use of dried and powdered mushroom. The raw or fresh mushroom is much less preferred since it tastes bitter and awful for most people, as said in the Health Line. it is recommended to drink the herb daily and a daily dose of the recipe will require half an ounce of dried reishi mushroom. The mushroom will be boiled with a pint and a half of water and put to simmer for another 45 minutes. Allow the mixture to stand for at least 30 minutes prior to consumption.

Reishi Mushroom, A Shen Tonic and Immune Modulator

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Find Wellness with Elderberry Tea

Elderberries or Sambucus is widely used in Europe, Western Asia, North America, and North Africa even in the ancient times. Because of its popularity, the medicinal benefits of elderberry are being studied and investigated.

Elder plants make berries but before the berries appear, flowers bloom that is used to make elderberry tea. Its is stated in the Live Strong that a study at the University of Maryland Medical Center showed few studies on elderberry flower tea benefits. But much of its benefits seem to be associated to its rich antioxidant flavonoids. Herbalist would often recommend elderberry as an add-on to a patient’s health care.

Elderberries are widely used all over the world for its simple but helpful health benefits although further research is needed to support these claims. (Photo Credit)

Elderberries are widely used all over the world for its simple but helpful health benefits although further research is needed to support these claims. (Photo Credit)

Components of Elderberry

Elderberry is rich in different kinds of healthy compounds like organic pigments, amino acids, carotenoids, tannin, sugar, flavonoids, viburnic acid, rutin, and vitamins A, B and lots of vitamin C. Elderberries are slightly diuretic, diaphoretic and laxative. According to the Herb Wisdom, the health benefits of organic elderberry tea to cold and flu are mostly associated with the flavonoids that contain anthocyanins which are very powerful antioxidants that protect the cells from suffering damage.


Elderberry Tea Health Benefits

Usually, elderberry is used to treat different kinds of infection from viruses and bacteria, sinus pain, body pain, nerve problems, boost the immune system, and fix chronic fatigue syndrome. Other studies have shown the potential of elderberry for treating cancer and hay fever or allergic rhinitis, and also increase urine flow and sweating for a cleaner bodily system, as reported in the Web MD.

People with cold and flu find it hard to soothe themselves especially with its symptoms combined with a headache, fever, sore throats, cough, and fatigue. The U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health discussed how to make elderberry tea bags recipe to fight off cold and flu. A daily dose of elderberry tea will require four tablespoons of extract mixed with warm water, which should be taken for three consecutive days to obtain maximum benefits.

Another major issue is sinus infection which is usually caused by bacteria. Studies have pointed out that drinking the tea combined with other decongestant and antibiotic medicines will clear up bacterial sinusitis more quickly than using medicine alone.

Elderberry Tea Recipe

One great recipe was thought in Wellness Mama, which could be taken immediately after preparation. About 2 tablespoons of dried elderberries will be used and boiled with 16 ounces of water for 15 minutes. Great health benefits can be obtained with added one-fourth teaspoon cinnamon powder and half teaspoon turmeric powder. Honey may be added to sweetened taste after the mixture was strained to remove solid elderberries. Simply refrigerate the solution if you prefer it cool.

How to Make Elderberry Tea & Syrup

The post Find Wellness with Elderberry Tea appeared first on Elderberry Tea.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

What Makes Saffron Tea Good for You?

Saffron tea was very loved by the ancient Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians for its use in culinary and herbal foods as well as for folk medicinal use. Aside from its promising benefits, it also looks as pleasing as it sounds since it belongs to the lily family, where its flower has a delicate part that houses pollens.

It is extremely difficult to make saffron tea since the bright red stigmas are carefully picked off the plant leaving only the golden stamen on position.

Saffron tea made naturally from saffron threads may be taken iced or hot but its medical properties are best obtained at a higher temperature. Photo Credits

Saffron tea made naturally from saffron threads may be taken iced or hot but its medical properties are best obtained at a higher temperature. Photo Credits

Organic yellow saffron tea benefits have recently gained popularity with more clinical trials being conducted to show its health benefits, according to the author of “The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods” Michael Murray N.D. as reported in the Live Strong.

Important Health Benefits of Saffron Tea

Health benefits of saffron tea to depression is one of the most popular since it has been proven to have similar effects as the over-the-counter drugs. The anti-depressant effect of saffron, as discussed in the Health Benefits Times,  goes through the nerves providing some sort of calming effect on the person. Experts say that the best thing is that saffron is a natural herb and regular consumption will not do much harm. In addition, it even provides prevention of depression if taken on a regular basis giving people the ‘happy’ feeling that everyone needs.

Saffron is an aphrodisiac so saffron tea benefits to skin are more on the sexual side of the body making the drinker have increased libido than normal.

The SF Gate reported that a cupful of saffron tea a day could lessen the risk of blindness in the future as a direct interpretation of the article “Saffron: Golden Secret of Clearer Sight”. Scientific studies showed that saffron has special fatty acid content that protects human vision. Clinical trials showed that eye vision of patients with eye issues significantly progress as they regularly drink saffron daily.

Saffron Tea Recipe

People should know how to make saffron tea bags recipe since it is very easy. They first need to purchase saffron tea bags or use loose saffron threads to make a tea. Every bit of saffron is important since it is very expensive. Experts advised that homemade saffron is the best since the quality is much more controlled. Threads will be steeped in room-temperature for iced tea beverages while 180 degrees Fahrenheit is needed to fully activate its aromatic and healthy components. Only a little over one milligram of threads is needed for 8 ounces of water and steep for 10 minutes. It is best to stir the solution before drinking to dissolve all threads in hot water. The tea can last for three days inside the refrigerator.

How to Make Saffron Tea

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The Wonders of Organic Holy Basil Tea

Holy basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum), also called Tulsi, has been widely used in the ancient times dating to as far as 3000 years ago. The herb was termed “sacred” in the Rig Veda some time in 1500 BC making people celebrate it in the Purana, and highly appreciated and accounted for its Ayurvedic medicine – because it has organic holy basil tea health benefits.

Tulsi is unlike any regular basil that is added to marinade sauces and food ingredient. Holy basil is native to Southeast Asia, as mentioned by Dr. Axe. this herb has been used for its medical properties for centuries which have been proven to treat different kinds of ailments. Holy basil is believed to be the cure for cleansing the body.

Health Benefits of Tulsi Holy Basil Tea

A study about holy basil has been reported by the Health Line saying that it was confirmed to have therapeutic value and its “health promoting qualities is sure to bear rich fruit.” But this 2010 study fail to conduct the test on humans because all results mainly came from animal samples.

Tulsi is usually taken as a tea. It claims to provide treatment for a number illnesses.

Holy Basil Tea

Tulsi, or holy basil, has made its way to providing significant developments in the field of herbal medicine especially since it is easily taken as a tea which provides a number of amazing health benefits. (Photo Credit)

First, it heals wounds easily. This claim may seem to be supernatural but scientific studies showed that it has a chemical component that hastens wound healing.

Second, it fights off bacteria. Bacterial infections have been a growing problem worldwide. And holy basil has been found to have some sort of antibiotic properties that fight off these deadly bacteria.

Third, lowers risk of diabetes. People with diabetes need to control and manage their diet wisely. Experts suggest that they should know how to make holy basil tea recipe since it would be a good addition to help control their blood sugar levels. However, it is advisable to talk to your doctor first prior to using tulsi.

Fourth, the Medicine Hunter reported several studies have shown that holy basil can significantly decrease the amount of harmful cholesterol in the blood so this herb is a really good treatment for the heart especially to those suffering from chronic stress.

Fifth, it lessens the chance of having an ulcer. Tulsi has anti-ulcer properties because it has been known to reduce stomach acid and increase the production of healthy stomach mucus. Find out more about holy basil tea benefits to ulcers.

And sixth, the journal Nutrition and Cancer published a study discussing the promising cancer-killing power of tulsi with its anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. Consequently, it protects the patient from having pain, stress, fever and protects important organs like the liver. People who take holy basil are found to be less likely to develop cancer cells throughout their lifetime.

Holy Basil Tea Recipe and Health Benefits


The post The Wonders of Organic Holy Basil Tea appeared first on Holy Basil Tea.